Over the past six months we have welcomed (L-R) Dr James McNeil, Dr Shanesh Kumar, Dr Sophie Thoo, Dr Crystal Seah and Dr Kimberly Brown (not pictured). These incredible doctors bring a wide range of interests and skills to our Practice with a thirst to continue to learn and develop.

When a registrar chooses Jones Radiology, they are making a commitment to grow in their career with the steepest learning curve occurring in their first twelve months. During their first month of work at Jones they are double rostered at our multi-doctor sites learning, asking questions, growing and finding out where the best coffee shops are!

This commitment to development extends over their first year with the Jones LevelUp package where for one day each week they get to focus on their development, lean into the more difficult cases and learn from mentors without the pressures of day-to-day clinic workload. Many will use this initiative to support an interstate or overseas fellowship giving them a deeper level of focus on specialisation such as musculoskeletal imaging. We believe this is why registrars choose Jones.

You can read more about our doctors here.